The market growth of the telecommunication sector has been significant in the last fifteen years. One of the reason
because people always need to communicate each other whenever and wherever they are. So for this reason, Research
In Motion (RIM) in 2004 with blackberry product came to Indonesia. Blackberry has service for push email, telephone
cellular, short message, browsing, and messenger. The growth of blackberry in Indonesia was growth very quickly.
Blackberry user in Indonesia more than 1 million (ATSI, 2010). This research intends to gain data and information
related the factor analysis of marketing mix blackberry internet service in Bandung. The study and discussion of the
descriptive analysis on the telecommunication industry yielded conclusions that only six factors are important in
customer decision to choose the blackberry internet service. They are variation of program pricing, the number of
intermediaries, variation service package, speed of access, fitur and coverage.
Keywords: Marketing Mix, Blackberry, Factor Analysis.