ABSTRAKSI: Sistem Informasi Monitoring Kegiatan Dosen Fakultas Informatika Institut Teknologi Telkom adalah sistem informasi yang dibangun untuk mengelola data kegiatan dosen fakultas informatika Institut Teknologi Telkom. Sistem informasi ini memiliki kelebihan yaitu memiliki suatu database sebagai media penyimpanan data, sharing data melalui jaringan dan tampilan yang user friendly.
Sistem informasi ini mengelola data kegiatan dosen fakultas informatika Institut Teknologi Telkom menjadi informasi yang efektif serta menampilkan informasi tersebut dalam bentuk laporan dan grafik sehingga fakultas bisa mengontrol dengan baik beban dan kinerja setiap dosen.
Kata Kunci : IT Telkom, sistem informasi, dosen, beban, kinerjaABSTRACT: Monitoring Activity of Lecturer Information System Faculty of Informatics Institut Teknologi Telkom is an information system that is built to manage the data activities of lecturer in faculty of informatics Telkom Institute of Technology. This information system has the advantages of having a database as data storage media, data sharing over the network and display user friendly.
This information system are made to manage lecturer activities data of the faculty of informatics Institute Technology Telkom become effective information and displays that information in the form of reports and graphs. So that faculty can properly control the load and performance of each lecturer.Keyword: Monitoring Activity of Lecturer Information System Faculty of Informatics Institut Teknologi Telkom is an information system that is built to manage the data activities of lecturer in faculty of informatics Telkom Institute of Technology. This informatio