Informasi Dasar

136 kali
Karya Ilmiah - TA (D3) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: Telepon Seluler (Ponsel) merupakan salah satu media komunikasi yang sedang berkembang pesat dan banyak digunakan di kalangan masyarakat umum. Tidak semua orang mengetahui tentang kekurangan dan keunggulan yang ada pada suatu jenis ponsel. Banyak konsumen awam yang akan membeli ponsel merasa kebingungan untuk menentukan suatu ponsel yang sesuai dengan kriteria-kriteria yang diinginkan. Untuk itu dibutuhkan suatu sistem yang dapat membantu konsumen dalam mengambil keputusan untuk membeli ponsel yang sesuai dengan apa yang mereka inginkan, dan jenis ponsel yang sesuai dengan kriteria-kriteria tersebut. Dikarenakan masalah tersebut, maka pada proyek akhir ini dibuat suatu Sistem pendukung Pengambilan Keputusan Pemilihan Ponsel dengan Metode SMART dengan berbasiskan web yang kemudian dikenal dengan nama Buyer’s guide Online. User yang mengakses aplikasi ini antara lain konsumen yang membutuhkan informasi mengenai ponsel jenis apa yang seharusnya dipilih yang sesuai dengan kriteriakriteria mereka. Pada sistem yang dibangun, user disediakan alternatif dalam memilih kriteria yang sesuai, kemudian sistem akan mengolah dan memberikan alternatif ponsel yang sesuai dengan kriteria pilihan user. Sistem ini menggunakan model terstruktur dimana dalam membangun sebuah perangkat lunak yang progresnya dimulai dari software requirements, analysis, design, coding, dan testing. Sedangkan model yang digunakan adalah SMART (Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique) dan diimplementasikan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database MySQL sebagai media penyimpanan data. Kata Kunci : Pemilihan Ponsel ,SMART, PHP, MySQL Sistem pendukung Pengambilan Keputusan Pemilihan Ponsel dengan Metode SMART v ABSTRACT Cell phones are one of the telecommunication media that grow rapidly and used in the social community. Almost people don’t know about the excess and weakness that achieved in one kind of cell phone. The customers who want to buy a mobile phone feel confused to make a decision whice mobile phone that according to them. So, it’s needed a system that can help customers in making decision to buy a mobile phone which according to what they wanted, and the mobile phones which are included to their criterias. Because of those problems, in this Final Project is be made a system which called “Decision Support System for Choosing Cell Phones Using SMART Method”, implemented into a website that is known as Buyer’s Guide Online. It’s made to users who need information about what kind of mobile phone which should be chosen according to their criterias. In this system, user is given some alternatives to choose some criterias that according to them, and then this system will execute it to give alternatives cell phones that is according to the criteria. This system uses structural model where in developing a software begins from software requirements, analysis, design, coding, dan testing. The model which used is SMART (Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique) and implemented using PHP, MySQL as its database.Kata Kunci : Choosing Cell Phones ,SMART, PHP, MySQLABSTRACT: Cell phones are one of the telecommunication media that grow rapidly and used in the social community. Almost people don’t know about the excess and weakness that achieved in one kind of cell phone. The customers who want to buy a mobile phone feel confused to make a decision whice mobile phone that according to them. So, it’s needed a system that can help customers in making decision to buy a mobile phone which according to what they wanted, and the mobile phones which are included to their criterias. Because of those problems, in this Final Project is be made a system which called “Decision Support System for Choosing Cell Phones Using SMART Method”, implemented into a website that is known as Buyer’s Guide Online. It’s made to users who need information about what kind of mobile phone which should be chosen according to their criterias. In this system, user is given some alternatives to choose some criterias that according to them, and then this system will execute it to give alternatives cell phones that is according to the criteria. This system uses structural model where in developing a software begins from software requirements, analysis, design, coding, dan testing. The model which used is SMART (Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique) and implemented using PHP, MySQL as its database.Keyword: Choosing Cell Phones ,SMART, PHP, MySQL


Informatika Teori dan Pemrograman




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Retno Novi Dayawati, Arie Ardiyanti Suryani


Universitas Telkom




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