ABSTRAKSI: Portal sekolah merupakan media penyalur informasi dan media komunikasi yang dibangun guna mampererat kepercayaan masyarakat dan orangtua tentang pendidikan yang terjadi di sekolah, dengan pendekatan media sosial dan Customer Relationship Management (CRM) sebagai konsepnya. Harapannya konsep ini, mampu meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat dan komunikasi yang terjalin secara berkala antar sekolah dengan masyarakat. Konsep Customer Relationship Management dan konsep portal tidak hanya media komunikasi saja, namun dengan konsep ini timbul kepercayaan terhadap sekolah melalui feedback yang diberikan terhadap informasi yang diberikan. Portal sekolah dibangun dengan teknologi webjava enterprise edition dan arsitektur terdistribusi. Diharapkan dengan teknologi ini dapat meningkatkan performansi sistem portal yang akan dibangun. Metode iterative dan incremental dipilih sebagai metode penelitian dengan empat fase penelitian insepsi, elaborasi, konstruksi dan transisi. Portal sekolah ini dapat melayani kebutuhan user di kabupaten Bandung dengan asumsi jumlah user sebanyak 1500 user.KATA KUNCI: Portal, Customer Relationship Management Management, Metode Iterative dan Incremental, Java Enterprise Edition, Arsitektur TerdistribusiABSTRACT: School portal is a media comunication and media channel of information whitin school, parents and cityzen that was built to develop public trust about education that happens in schools.School portal has developed with social media approach and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) as a concept . Furthermore of this concept , can improve public participation and communication that exists between schools on a regular basis with the public . The concept of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and the portal is not only asconsept of communication only, but also with the concept can gain public attention through the feedback given to every information. School portal developes with java enterprise edition technology and distributed architectures . Distributed architecture expected can improve the performance of the portal system. Iterative and incremental method chosen as the research method. This method contain four phases development system.These phases areinception , elaboration , construction and transition. Portal sekolahcan handle needs of the user in Bandung district assuming the number of users are 1500 users .KEYWORD: Portal, Customer Relationship Management Management, Iterative and Incremental Method, Academic Information Systems, Java Enterprise Edition, Distributed Architecture