Analisis Vulnerability Assesment pada Cloud Computing Berbasis Xen dalam Proses Live Virtual Machine Migration

Annisa Yuniar Sukmara

Informasi Dasar

266 kali
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: Live virtual machine migration merupakan salah satu fasilitas yang disediakan oleh cloud computing dalam mendukung performansi layanan virtualisasi yang diberikan. Proses dari live migration itu sendiri tidak hanya melihat performansinya saja, melainkan diperhatikan pula unsur keamanannya.

Hasil vulnerability assessment tersebut menyatakan bahwa port tersebut lemah terhadap serangan denial of service (CVE-2004-0230 BID 10183). Pada penelusuran BID dengan kode 10183 dilihat dari halaman informasinya, tidak terdapat vulnerable dari sistem virtualisasi juga Xen yang melaporkan mengenai kelemahan tersebut, sehingga diasumsikan vulnerability scanner menyamakan sistem yang diuji pada tugas akhir ini yaitu dalam lingkup virtualisasi dengan service TCP non-virtualisasi.

Pengujian yang dilakukan selanjutnya setelah analisa vulnerability pada sistem live migration adalah stress testing dengan menggunakan serangan denial of service. Pengujian kedua ini menyebabkan proses live migration terhenti hingga serangan dihentikan. Perbedaan waktu live migration dengan serangan ini cukup siginifikan dibandingkan pada saat live migration dengan tidak ada serangan. Perbedaan waktu yang ditunjukkan saat pengujian ini mencapai 207.73 detik.Kata Kunci : live virtual machine migration, vulnerability assessment, vulnerability, denial of service.ABSTRACT: Live virtual machine migration is one of the facilities provided by cloud computing in support of the performance of virtualized services provided. The process of live migration itself is not only to see the performance alone, but also draw attention to the security element.

At this final project analysis about the security holes in the live migration process by conducting a vulnerability assessment. Vulnerability assessment is performed to generate reports about the weakness of the open port 8002 on the Xen host source and destination which in this final project they perform live migration sistem.

The results of the vulnerability assessment states that the port is vulnerable to a denial of service attack (due to CVE-2004-0230 BID 10183). BID tracking code which is 10183 on the site seen from the information page, there are no vulnerable of the Xen virtualization sistem is also reporting on these weaknesses, so that the vulnerability scanner is assumed to equate the sistem are tested of this final project is within the scope of virtualization with non-virtualized TCP service.

Subsequent tests performed after the analysis of vulnerability in the sistem is live migration stress testing using a denial of service. The second test is causing live migration process stops until the attack stopped. Live migration’s time difference is quite significant compared to the attack at the live migration with no attack. The time difference is shown when the test reached 207.73 seconds.Keyword: live virtual machine migration, vulnerability assessment, vulnerability, denial of service.


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Analisis Vulnerability Assesment pada Cloud Computing Berbasis Xen dalam Proses Live Virtual Machine Migration


Rp. 0
Rp. 0


Annisa Yuniar Sukmara
Bayu Erfianto, Tri Brotoharsono


Universitas Telkom




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