ABSTRAKSI: Pada tugas akhir ini, dibangun sebuah alat bantu yang digunakan untuk monitoring traffic internet dengan menggunakan dua jenis protokol jaringan, yaitu Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) dan Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). Secara periodik, data traffic internet dalam Management Information Base (MIB) di masing-masing perangkat jaringan dikumpulkan oleh SNMP dan diolah sehingga menjadi informasi mengenai kondisi jaringan internet terbaru yang dapat dipantau dengan menggunakan perangkat handphone melalui media WAP. Aplikasi ini dikembangkan di atas Web Server Apache dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySQL database sebagai media penyimpan informasi traffic internet. Dengan demikian proses telemoniotoring traffic jaringan internet dapat dilakukan kapan saja.
Kata Kunci : Monitoring traffic, SNMP, MIB, WAPABSTRACT: Government West Java Province want to make data warehouse to solve SKPD’s (Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah) problem for transferring the data and there are duplicated data which is not synchronous. It makes governor confuse when he want to observe condition of the region and to decide strategic province policies. Therefore, integrated database is created. Integrated database that can provide historical data of transaction for SKPD using ETL mechanism in data warehousing. This Final Task will analyze two models of data warehouse that different in dimensional modeling. First model is data warehousing which has a lot of cubes. Second model is data warehouse which has only a cube, and implemented using software as SIEDA prototype that used as the performance testing (i.e. simplicity, elapsed time, and data storage) from both of the two designs., it is expected that a model data warehouse that is suitable for government needed. So, in this Final Task, getting two design data warehouses with the conclusion is multi fact table has faster average of elapsed time and little space than single fact table, but single fact table is easier than multi fact table.Keyword: Monitoring traffic, SNMP, MIB, WAP