ABSTRAKSI: Sistem seluler CDMA merupakan teknologi seluler yang sedang berkembang pada saat sekarang ini, yang menjadi alternatif pilihan selain teknologi GSM. Hal ini disebabkan sistem seluler CDMA merupakan alternatif dalam menyediakan layanan telekomunikasi yang murah, dan menyediakan layanan yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan GSM. Pada tahap awal perkembangan sistem komunikasi bergerak faktor kapasitas tidak menjadi masalah karena jumlah pelanggan yang masih sedikit. Tetapi semakin bertambahnya jumlah pelanggan membuat faktor kapasitas menjadi masalah utama yang mempengaruhi juga terhadap kualitas dan jangkauan yang luas dari suatu sistem komunikasi. Dimana bagus atau tidaknya kualitas layanan yang diberikan dari suatu operator menetukan loyal atau tidaknya pelanggan terhadap operator tersebut, karena pelanggan pada saat ini tidak hanya memperhatikan nama dari operator tersebut ataupun fitur-fitur yang diberikan tapi kualitas layanan yang diberikan operator tersebut.
Pada saat ini operator seluler CDMA di Indonesia ada yang menggunakan frekuensi
Pada saat ini operator seluler CDMA di Indonesia ada yang menggunakan frekuensi
Kata Kunci : Perbandingan Kinerja, Kepuasan Pelanggan, Perpindahan FrekuensiABSTRACT: CDMA cellular system represents the cellular technology which is developed at this time, CDMA becoming an alternative besides GSM technology. This Matter caused by CDMA cellular system assumed to represent alternative in providing cheap telecommunications service, and provide service which is not far differ from the GSM technology. At the beginning of communications system growth, capacities factor doesn’t seem to be a big problem, because the customer still quite a few. But with the increasing number of customer, capacities factor become the main problem which have effect to the quality of communications system and the coverage area. Where unquestionably the service quality of communication system that provided by the operator, determine the customer loyalty to the operator, because nowadays customer not only pay attention to the operator good image but also the service quality that given by the operator and its features.
Indonesian’s CDMA cellular operator use 1900 MHz and 800 MHz as their work frequency at this time. Before migration to 800 MHz TelkomFlexi still use 1900 MHz frequency in DKI Jakarta and West Java. Its Difference just lay on the level frequency used by the network operator, where the lower frequency characteristic have the smaller resistance or damping, so that generally the lower frequency have a wider coverage area and much more powerful. TelkomFlexi facing the problem that related to the frequency above, the main problem that the increasing number of customer and much more area to be covered by the network, Answering this condition TelkomFlexi has to migrate their network frequency to 800 MHz, besides than perhaps to fulfill governmental decision that operator CDMA have to reside their frequency to 800 MHZ, because 1900 MHz frequency will be used by GSM operator to implement 3G technology.
This Final Task have been calculation the pursuant of coverage to frequency work from 1900 MHZ to 800 MHZ, where obtained the frequency 800 Mhz wider than 1900 Mhz. Also from side of parameter traffic obtained the value of CSSR, Drop Call and SHO at 800 Mhz bigger than 1900 Mhz
Keyword: Performance Comparison, Customer Satisfaction, Frequency Migration