Re-konfigurasi Jaringan Interkoneksi antara DSLAM di DIVRE II

Ahmad Fauzi Lubis

Informasi Dasar

150 kali
621.382 16
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: Perkembangan high-speed internet access tidak dapat kita pungkiri lagi. Tersedia begitu banyak pilihan bagi konsumen untuk memperoleh layanan high-speed internet access, begitu juga dalam hal ketersediaan network provider dan pilihan perangkat. Pihak industri juga mengetahui betapa banyak keuntungan yang dapat diperoleh dari layanan broadband. Konsumen dapat memperoleh layanan ini dengan mudah kapanpun dan dimanapun. Pertimbangan yang digunakan dalam re-konfigurasi ini yaitu: link yang eksisting dengan kecepatan suara (64Kbps), kebutuhan high speed internet access yang dilewatkan di link eksisting, dan menambah kemampuan dari jaringan eksisting tersebut sehingga dapat digunakan lebih optimal untuk jaringan data, tanpa memisahkan jaringan suara, dan juga dapat dipakai sekaligus. PT. TELKOM telah menawarkan jaringan speedy sebagai pilihan layanan broadband access.
Ada tiga permasalahan yang timbul dari jaringan speedy ini. Yang pertama adalah faktor performansi jaringan yaitu kondisi interkoneksi jaringan eksisting arah downlink sampai ke user. Yang kedua adalah faktor kemampuan perangkat yaitu BRAS, bandwidth management policy (priority), dan ketiga faktor kemampuan layanan yaitu kondisi layanan speedy yang masih menitik beratkan kepada layanan internet.
Ada beberapa hal yang perlu dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut, antara lain review design dari jaringan ADSL eksisting yaitu network configuration, menetapkan parameter design yang diukur dan pengukuran performansi jaringan yaitu power level, attenuation, noise(kondisi jarlokat),delay,dan throughput.Re-konfigurasi jaringan eksisting speedy bertujuan agar jaringan mempunyai kemampuan layanan HSIA, VOIP, dan triple play.
Hasil penelitian dari teknik jaringan akses speedy adalah infrastruktur dari speedy yang dapat mendukung layanan akses internet yang berkecepatan tinggi dan menangani triple play service (voice, video, dan data). Mendapatkan optimasi jaringan speedy dalam menyuplai layanan triple play. Hasil kondisi Jarlokat sama saat sebelum re-konfigurasi dengan sesudah rekonfigurasi. Rata-rata delay setelah re-konfigurasi pada perangkat vendor A adalah 58,5 ms, sedangkan rata-rata delay pada perangkat vendor S adalah 58 ms. Rata-rata throughput setelah re-konfigurasi pada perangkat vendor A adalah 350 kbps, sedangkan rata-rata throughput pada perangkat vendor S adalah 340 kbps. Terdapat 108 DSLAM harus diganti kapasitas bandwidth uplink.Kata Kunci : BRAS, Policy traffic, Triple Play, Speedy, performansi jaringan (throughput,delay).ABSTRACT: We can’t ignore the growth of high-speed internet access now. There are many choices to get high-speed internet access service, also on network provider availability and the choice on peripherals. The industry also knew that they will get a lot of profit from this service. Consumer can get this service whenever and wherever they go. The considerations which used in this reconfiguration are existing link with 64Kbps on voice speed, requirement of high speed internet access which exceeded on existing link and adding the ability of existing network, so it will be more optimal for data network without separating the voice network and also for data and voice network all at once. PT TELKOM has been offered the speedy network as choice for broadband access services.
There are three problems which appear from the speedy networks. The first is network performance factor that is the interconnection condition of existing networks until user. The second is peripheral ability factor called BRAS, bandwidth management policy (priority), and the third is the service performance factor that is the speedy service condition which still focused on the internet service.
There are something to do to overcome the problems that are review design of ADSL existing network with network configuration, determine the design parameter and measurement of network performance about power level, attenuation, noise (condition of access copper network), delay and throughput. The purpose of existing speedy network reconfiguration is the ability to handle the service of HSIA, VOIP and triple play on the network.
Result of research from the technique of speedy network access speedy is the speedy infrastructure which support high speed internet access and triple play service (voice, video, and data). And also optimize the speedy network in supply of triple play service. Result of condition of access cooper same with before with after reconfiguration. Average of delay after reconfiguration at peripheral of vendor’s A are 58,5 ms, whereas average of delay at peripheral of vendor’s S are 58 ms. Average of throughput after reconfiguration at peripheral of vendor’s A ares 350 kbps, whereas average of throughput at peripheral of vendor’s S are 340 kbps. There are 108 DSLAM must be change capacity of bandwidth uplink.
Result of research from the technique of speedy network access speedy is the speedy infrastructure which support high speed internet access and triple play service (voice, video, and data). And also optimize the speedy network in supply of triple play service. Result of condition of access cooper same with before with after reconfiguration. Average of delay after reconfiguration at peripheral of vendor’s A are 58,5 ms, whereas average of delay at peripheral of vendor’s S are 58 ms. Average of throughput after reconfiguration at peripheral of vendor’s A ares 350 kbps, whereas average of throughput at peripheral of vendor’s S are 340 kbps. There are 108 DSLAM must be change capacity of bandwidth uplink.Keyword: BRAS, Policy traffic, Triple Play, Speedy, network performances (throughput, delay).


Transmisi Telkom


Re-konfigurasi Jaringan Interkoneksi antara DSLAM di DIVRE II


Rp. 0
Rp. 0


Ahmad Fauzi Lubis
Sofia Naning Hertiana, Ahmad Arif Rahman


Universitas Telkom




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