Simulasi Performansi Mobilitas Terminal Voice Over IP Yang DiDukung Mobile IP


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135 kali
Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

ABSTRAKSI: Pada jaringan wireless, saat proses handoff terjadi, sebuah skema perutingan sangat diperlukan untuk menunjang terjadinya handoff. Mobile IP (MIP) dikembangkan untuk menyediakan mobilitas terminal tanpa mengubah alamat IP. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) adalah protokol layer aplikasi yang digunakan untuk memulai dan mengakhiri suatu sesi multimedia. SIP telah mendukung mobilitas personal, dan agar mendukung mobilitas terminal, hanya perlu dilakukan sedikit perubahan. Pada Tugas akhir ini, performansi VOIP dengan mobilitas terminal yang didukung oleh MIP dan SIP diperbandingkan. Tiga topologi jaringan yang terlibat meliputi : neighbor, star, dan mesh. Disamping itu juga dilakukan pelacakan terhadap beberapa tingkah laku mobilitas, yang tergantung oleh lokasi Mobile Host (MH), Correspondent Host (CH), dan home network MH. Performansi VOIP didasarkan oleh parameter terukur dari rata-rata end to end delay, handoff delay, paket loss peroperasi handoff, dan persentase paket loss selama operasi handoff. Hasil penelusuran menunjukkan ruting triangular dan enkapsulasi memperlihatkan MIP memiliki efek yang lebih kuat pada trafik di jaringan. SIP umumnya melakukan lebih baik daripada MIP. Bagaimanapun terdapat kasus dimana MIP lebih baik dari SIP. Ini terjadi saat lokasi MH jauh dari CH nya dan mengalihkan handoff ke home network terdekatnya. Akhirnya, waktu handoff SIP lebih lama daripada MIP. Performansi MIP dan mobilitas SIP tergantung dari lokasi MH, CH dan home network MH. Ketika MH bergerak mendekat ke home networknya, MIP bekerja lebih baik dibanding ketika bergerak secara random. Tipe topologi jaringan memegang peranan penting dalam performansi VoIP untuk setiap tingkah laku mobilitas. Tipe topologi jaringan sangat berpengaruh dalam perhitungan jarak link wire antara Mobile host, Correspondent host dan jaringan asal Mobile host.

Kata Kunci : Mobile IP, SIP, VoIP, QoSABSTRACT: In Wireless network, when a handoff occurs, a network routing scheme is needed to support the handoff. Mobile IP (MIP) is developed to provide terminal mobility without changing IP addresses. The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an application-layer protocol used for establishing and terminating multimedia sessions. SIP already supports personal mobility, and in order to support terminal mobility, minor changes need to be done. In this final project, the performances of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) with terminal mobility supported by MIP and SIP are comparatively studied. The three network topologies to be considered include: the neighbor, the star and the mesh. We also trace the various mobility behaviors, which depend on the location of the Mobile Host (MH), Correspondent Host (CH) and home network of the MH. The performance of VoIP are determined by the measured parameters of mean end-to-end delay, handoff delay, packet loss per handoff operation, and the percentage of packet loss during handoff operation. The investigation results show that the triangular routing and encapsulation introduced by MIP have a strong effect on the traffic of the network. SIP generally performs better than MIP. However there is a case where MIP outperforms SIP. This happens when the location of the MH is far from its CH and induces a handoff to its nearby home network. As a results, the handoff time of SIP is higher than that of MIP. The performance of MIP and SIP mobility depends on the location of the MH, CH and home network of MH. When a MH moves near to its home network, MIP performs better than in case where a MH randomly moves. Network topology also play an important role on the performance of VoIP for each mobility behaviour. The type of network topology serves as an important factor in determining the distance of wired link between the MH, CH and the home network of MH.

Keyword: Mobile IP, SIP, VoIP, QoS


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Simulasi Performansi Mobilitas Terminal Voice Over IP Yang DiDukung Mobile IP


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Agus Ganda Permana, Arif Rudiana


Universitas Telkom




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