This is the UK and European version of Harvard Professor Greg Mankiw's best-selling and highly regarded US economics text 'Principles of Economics'. Professor Mankiw's classic text has been adapted and developed by a leading European economist, Professor Mark Taylor of Warwick University. Features that made the US text so successful with students and lecturers will continue to add value to your learning experience. These include:
- The clear, relaxed, coversational writing style, specifically aimed at driving you to understand the politics and science of economic theories throughout your studies.
- The classic ten principles of economics - introduced in Chapter One and then referred to throughout the book - to reinforce your understanding of key economic principles.
- How the book gets you to think about your everyday life in economic terms.
- How the book constantly applies the economics you have learnt to relevant case studies and brings your attention to relevant press articles.
Whilst it provides discussion of the US and the rest of the world where appropriate, 'Economics' has a distinctively European flavour:
- Reflects UK and European economic institutions and policy.
- Adopts familiar language and cultural references for a UK and European readership.
- Mainly uses the euro in discussions throughout the book.
- Predominantly uses UK and European case studies and press extracts.
- Includes a section devoted to common currency areas and European monetary union.