Here are direct answers for all who have asked, how does “Situation Ethics” work-specifically? Following his clarification and solid argument in support of the situationist method of decision opertional term – who does what, when, and in which circumstances.
“Responsibility,” he says, “means a free and critical ‘conformity’ to them fact first of all – the shifting patterns of situation – and then to the unchanging single norm or boss principle of loving concern for person and the social balance.” He shows how this situationist approach may be applied in such specific areas as sex, sex offenses, fertility control, unmarried sex, the right of a patient to die, business magement, wealth, and stewardship. He deals with the “style” with which we encounter the structure of mass society; concludesthat the so-called “theological virtues” (faith, hope, and love) have the most fundamental, practical importance for successful living in a mass society; and affrims situtionism as a way of “Moral Responsibility.”