Neural Networks, Machine Learning, and Image Processing: Mathematical Modeling and Applications

Manoj Sahni, Ritu Sahni, Jose M. Merigo Lindahl

Informasi Dasar

103 kali
Buku - Elektronik (E-Book)
Tel-U Gedung Manterawu Lantai 5 : Rak 4
Tel-U Purwokerto : Rak 3

SECTION I Mathematical Modeling and Neural Network’ Mathematical Essence

Chapter 1 Mathematical Modeling on Thermoregulation in Sarcopenia 1.1. Introduction 1.2. Discretization 1.3. Modeling and Simulation of Basal Metabolic Rate and Skin Layers Thickness 1.4. Mathematical Model and Boundary Conditions 1.5. Solution of the Model 1.6. Numerical Results and discussion 1.7. Conclusion References

Chapter 2 Multi-objective University Course Scheduling for Uncertainly Generated Courses 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Literature review 2.3 Formulation of problem 2.4 Methodology 2.5 Numerical Example 2.6 Result and Discussion 2.7 Conclusion References

Chapter 3 MChCNN : A Deep Learning Approach to Detect Text based Hate Speech 3.1. Introduction Background and Driving Forces

3.2. Related Work

3.3. Experiment and Results 3.4. Conclusion References

Chapter 4 PSO Based PFC Cuk Converter fed BLDC Motor Drive for Automotive Applications 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Operation of Cuk converter fed BLDC motor drive system 4.3. Controller Operation 4.4. Result and Discussion 4.5. Conclusion References

Chapter 5 Optimize Feature Selection for Condition based monitoring of Cylindrical bearing using Wavelet transform and ANN 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Methodology 5.3. Data Preparation 5.4. Result and Discussion 5.5. Conclusion References

Chapter 6 SafeShop - An integrated system for safe pickup of items during COVID-19 6.1. Introduction 6.2. Literature Survey 6.3. Methodology 6.4. Result and Discussion 6.5. Conclusion References

Chapter 7 Solution of First Order Fuzzy Differential Equation using Numerical Method 7.1. Introduction 7.2. Preliminaries 7.3. Methodology 7.4. Illustration 7.5. Conclusion References

SECTION II Simulations in Machine Learning and Image Processing

Chapter 8 Multi-layer Encryption Algorithm for Data Integrity in Cloud Computing 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Related works 8.3. Algorithm description 8.4. Simulation and performance analysis 8.5. Conclusion and Future Work References

Chapter 9 Anomaly detection using class of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms 9. 1. Introduction 9.2. Adaptive threshold and regression techniques for anomaly detection 9.3. Unsupervised Learning techniques for anomaly detection 9.4. Description of the dataset

9.5 Results and Discussions 9.6. Conclusion References

Chapter 10 Improving Support Vector Machine accuracy with Shogun’s multiple kernel learning 10. 1. Introduction 10. 2. Support Vector Machine Statistics 10.3. Experiment and Result 10.4 Conclusion References

Chapter 11 An Introduction to Parallelisable String-Based SP-Languages 11.1. Introduction 11.2. Parallelisable string-based SP-languages 11.3. Parallel Regular Expression 11.4. Equivalence of Parallel Regular Expression and Branching Automaton 11.5. Parallelisable String-Based SP-Grammar 11.6. Parallelisable String-Based SP-Parallel Grammar 11.7. Conclusion 11.8. Applications 11.9. Future Scope References

Chapter 12 Detection of Disease using Machine Learning 12.1. Introduction 12.2. Techniques Applied 12.3. GENERAL ARCHITECTURE OF AI/ML 12.4. EXPERIMENTAL OUTCOMES 12.5. Conclusion References

Chapter 13 Driver Drowsiness Detection Using Eye Tracing System 13.1. Introduction 13.2. Literature Review 13.3. Research Method 13.4. Observations and Results 13.5. Conclusion References

Chapter 14 An Efficient Image Encryption Scheme Combining Rubik Cube Principle with Masking 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Preliminary Section 14.3 Proposed Work 14. 4 Experimental Setup and Simulation Analysis 14.5 Conclusion




Neural Networks, Machine Learning, and Image Processing: Mathematical Modeling and Applications
221p.: pdf file.; 16,5 MB


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Manoj Sahni, Ritu Sahni, Jose M. Merigo Lindahl


CRC Press
New York




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