Intelligent connectivity is essentially the combination of high-speed fifth generation (5G)
networks, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT). Combining these technologies results in structural changes about how devices communicate by improving both the
performance and efficiency to pave the road for Digital Transformations. The analysis and
vision in this intelligent connectivity are processed through the digital transformation of the
data collected by sensing devices, machines, and the IoT. Intelligent connectivity is much
more than just faster and more efficient communications. It opens up a whole world of personalized and ambitious applications very lucrative for businesses who want to reap the many
benefits from a line of intelligent products or intelligent services. While there are many areas
in which consumers would see substantial benefits from using intelligent connectivity,
Entertainment, Workplace Productivity, and Smart Living have been the groups with substantial benefits. Through a fusion of these advanced technologies, it would be possible to create or
enhance technologies that can provide a better quality of life, better security and public safety,
and significantly greater efficiency to almost any industry, making the fifth wave of computing.
Intelligent connectivity will significantly impact industry, individuals, and society. This phenomenon will significantly impact people, industries, governments, and organizations, transforming our way of life and work, marking the beginning of a new digital era defined by highly
contextualized and personalized experiences. Augmented and virtual reality will change the
way we watch live sports and music concerts, drones will deliver packages to our homes, and
virtual personal assistants will manage our lives for us. New 5G networks, AI, and the upscaling
of the IoT will change the world, intelligently connecting everyone and everything to a better
future. The fusion of AI, IoT, and 5G will drastically improve the network capacity,
responsiveness, and output. It will make it possible for the operators to tailor the connectivity of
each application, hence increasing the application of AI, data analytics, and regulating the IoT.