Global statistics proclaim that 80 percent of new businesses fail within the first 18 months—shocking and true, but preventable. Many entrepreneurs use the poor excuse of under- capitalization, but recently over $1 trillion was invested in new projects. There are more simple and basic reasons for failure. The Rainmaker is thus called on to assist entrepreneurs to succeed past that financial ruin barrier of 18 months by helping them to properly structure and run a company that meets ultimate best practice solutions and systems—which are realistic and competitively better than peers.
This book looks at how The Rainmaker is able to bring sun- shine to desperate companies, by finding faults and then matching solutions to establish a solid foundation for your company and, when required, quickly fix, coordinate recovery, raise finance, and advise you on how you can run a pro table business. The Rainmaker is a combination of troubleshooter, advisor, mentor, and financier.