This book is aimed at demonstrating the prerequisites of a management that
has foresight and is anticipatory of employer and employee relationship
challenges that can hinder the attainment of planned productivity through
bickering and animosity between the two, and, therefore, designs and
implements management systems that will not precipitate workplace disharmony.
The book identifies components that can advance the management of human
resources, are supportive of administration and operational systems, and create
the structures that must be attended to in an attempt to obviate unnecessary
tension between management and its workers.
The author in writing this book derives the views, knowledge, and
convictions that he will put forward herein from many years of general
management and human resource practice experience that he finds worth sharing
with managers, academicians, and students alike. With, this in mind, reference to
other authors’ views shall be limited to a few quotations. Chapters 1 and 2 carry
statements that the writer felt needed referencing to other authors’ works,
thereby, leaving the remainder of the chapters to his views.