The book is about using LTspice XVII (the latest version) for analog and digital circuit simulations. It covers simulation and analysis of various electrical and electronic circuits used frequently in real-time applications to provide imperative insights into their behavior. The book assists readers in learning analog electronics practically by simulating various circuits with different parameter values of the components (to fit the simulation needs) and comparing the results. It enables the users to get rid of all their fears regarding basic electrical circuit analysis. The approach followed by the authors is to teach the much-needed theory of various electronics and electrical-based circuits along with their testing and software simulations. The aim is that the readers can utilize the simulation outputs (in tabular and graphical forms) to gain a deeper insight into the circuits. The book represents the use of LTspice XVII for Windows as a general-purpose schematic driven program with an integrated SPICE simulator. The schematic capture allows the user to draw a new circuit (or begin with an already drafted circuit) and observes its operation in the simulator for different parametric values of the component models so that the desired circuit behavior can be achieved through iteration. The graphical schematic is finally converted to a textual SPICE netlist and passed to the simulator for execution. An imported netlist can also be run directly without having a schematic. The contents of the book carry significance to both professionals and researchers in various fields.