This book is an introductory textbook in probability and can be used by majors
in Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Computer Science, Actuarial Science, Operations
Research, Engineering etc. No prior knowledge of probability theory is required.
In most Universities and Colleges where an introductory Probability course, such as
one that may be based on this textbook, is offered, it would normally follow a rigorous
Calculus course. Consequently, the Probability course can make use of differential and
integral calculus, and formal proofs for theorems and propositions may be presented to the
students, thereof offering them a mathematically sound understanding of the field
The material of this book emerged from a similar book (Introduction to Probability:
Theory and Applications, Stamoulis Publications) written by one of us (MVK) in Greek,
which is being used as a textbook for many years in several Greek Universities. Of course,
we have expanded and transformed this material to reach an international audience.