This book is the result of a collaboration that brought together a group of
scholars interested in the relationship between passion and entrepreneurship according to several potential paths and viewpoints. It was October
2016 when during a meeting in Uppsala, Sweden, the anthology’s editors
started talking about the project and decided to organize a first workshop
in Florence, which would be followed by others in Uppsala and Milan. This
volume is the result of this process, whose details are provided in Chap. 1.
The book contributes on the link between passion and entrepreneurship, introducing new perspectives on this topic. We started from the idea that entrepreneurship was not just based on the search for profit.
Instead, entrepreneurial experience incorporates more complex processes,
often based on less rational behavior motivated by reasons other than
revenue. “Passion” refers both to emotional elements that may fuel an
entrepreneurial effort and to something that feeds the business. The link
between passion and entrepreneurship is certainly a complex one, visible
in the realm of practice and increasingly investigated in scholarship as
well. Due to this complexity there is no unitary view of how passion and
entrepreneurship relate with each other but, as any entrepreneur would
know the world and thrive upon, a bricolage to be picked and assembled
according to will and opportunity. As we have seen during this joint
research process, there are variants and flavors both of passion and of