The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers,
academicians, and industry professionals to present their recent research works and
to explore future trends in various areas of engineering. The conference also brings
together both novice and experienced scientists and developers, to explore newer
scopes; collect new ideas; establish new cooperation between research groups; and
exchange ideas, information, techniques, and applications in the field of
Electronics, Communication, Devices, and Networking.
The ICCDN-2019 Committees rigorously invited submissions of manuscripts
from researchers, scientists, engineers, students, and practitioners across the world
related to the relevant themes and tracks of the conference. The call for papers
of the conference was divided into six tracks as mentioned, Track-1: Electronics &
Nano-technology, Track-2: Energy & Power, Track-3: Microwave, Track-4:
Wireless Communication & Digital Signal Processing, Track-5: Control &
Instrumentation, and Track-6: Data Communication and Networking.
The conference is enriched with five keynote speeches each of 1 hour duration
by eminent Prof. Dr. Alejandro C. Frery from Universidade Federal de Alagoas,
Brazil.; Prof. Dr. Avik Bhattacharya, IIT, Bombay; Prof. Dr. Ghanshyam Singh
from Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT) Jaipur; Prof. Dr. Sathish
Kumar from Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT), Manipal; and Prof. (Dr.)
Dr. J. Prakash from, Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka.