Manufacturing processes at the microscale are the key-enabling technologies to
bridge the gap between the nano- and the macro-worlds to increase the accuracy of
micro/nano-precision production technologies, and to integrate different dimensional scales in mass manufacturing processes. Accordingly, this edited volume is a
result of rapid dissemination of original theoretical and applied research in the
areas of micro- and nano-manufacturing that are related to process innovation,
accuracy, and precision, throughput enhancement, material utilization, compact
equipment development, environmental and life cycle analysis, and predictive
modeling of manufacturing processes with feature sizes less than one hundred
The main objective of the book is dedicated to Micro and Nano Machining and
is targeted to cater the needs of all academics students, researchers and industry
practitioners, engineers, and research scientists/academicians involved in machining
at micro/nano level toward creating Macro or Micro sized components.
The chapters in the book have been categorized in three parts, namely, Part I:
Overview of Micro and Nano Machining; Part II: Micro and Nano Machining
with Conventional Machining Techniques; and Part III: Micro and Nano
Machining with Nonconventional Machining Techniques.