The Association of Vietnamese Scientists and Experts (AVSE Global) have planned to organise the Vietnam Symposium on Advances in Offshore Engineering (VSOE) every two years in collaboration with universities, research institutions and industrial partners worldwide and in Vietnam.
The first symposium, VSOE2018, was held in Hanoi, Vietnam, from 1 to 3
November 2018 and was co-organised by the National University of Civil
Engineering under the auspices of two specialist Technical Committees TC-308 and
TC-209 of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical
Engineering (ISSMGE). The symposium focused on “Energy and Geotechnics” in
recognition of the important role that geotechnical engineering holds within the
offshore renewable energy and oil and gas industries. The symposium also covered
broader topics that are relate specifically to the development of offshore renewable
energy industry as well as the transition away from the offshore oil and gas
VSOE2018 was held with the objective of creating a platform where policymakers, practitioners and entrepreneurs could promote policy changes that support the development of renewable energy in Vietnam as well as to generate business opportunities within the energy sector.