The second International Symposium on the Education in Mechanism and Machine
Science (ISEMMS 2017) is a new event on Mechanism and Machine Science
(MMS) education. The Executive Council of IFToMM approved and established
the ISEMMS symposium to strengthen the research in new educational technologies with a periodicity of four years. The first conference was held in Madrid at the University Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) during 13–14 June 2013.
One of the main tasks of The Permanent Commission (PC) on Education of
IFToMM is to propagate new technologies applied to education in MMS and
stabilize a forum where academic people interchange experiences in the field of
MMS. This forum is necessary to answer the changing learning and teaching
environment in higher MMS education. In this symposium, new teaching and
learning methods within MMS had been proposed and presented with applications
in the classroom.
The conventional engineering teaching currently is enhanced with new technologies and methods included by and for the new generations. The goal is to obtain graduates with relevant competencies for industry stakeholders or research institutions.