Input–output analysis is a powerful and mathematically elegant framework for
describing the networks of interdependent components. While originally developed
for the analysis and planning of economic systems, over the past few decades, it has
also been shown to apply to diverse types of systems. Its ability to reflect the
interdependencies among system components is its most essential feature, as it
allows input–output models to gauge ripple effects that may cause unintended, and
potentially adverse, consequences if not predicted properly.
Sustainability considerations are now widely considered as integral to
decision-making in business, engineering, and public policy. This book is intended
to provide a concise treatment of different extensions of the input–output analysis as
they apply to the planning of sustainable industrial systems. The first two chapters
of the book give an introduction to the conceptual and mathematical foundations
of the input–output analysis. A unique feature is the use of the commercial optimization software, LINGO, whose equation-based interface is ideal for learning the input–output models. Thus, the third chapter is dedicated entirely to a description of this programming environment. The next six chapters describe different extensions of the input–output model for various industrial systems at different scales,
including industrial complexes, infrastructure systems, and supply chains. Further
extensions delve into the use of the framework for plant design, operational optimization, human resource planning, and life cycle assessment. All these chapters
provide ample illustrative case studies, accompanied by LINGO code to allow the
reader to duplicate the results and even to use these models as starting points for
their own case studies. In the final chapter of the book, we discuss some research
prospects that we consider to be important directions for the future input–output
analysis research.