We all, especially? software ?engineers, are on ?a journey of ?enhancing ?Artificial ?Intelligence (AI). ?Some of us have ?even dedicated our? lives to it. ? Every part of ?the journey is ?astonishing, ?including the ?challenges we ?encounter. Our ?struggles sometimes? lead to ?ineffective ?outcomes, and ?because of this, ?some people ?consider what we ?are doing, or ?what we have ?done, boring or ?even idiotic. ? Nevertheless, this? journey would not? be fulfilling ?without all the ?highs and lows. ?Whether or not we? agree with it, ?AI is here and ?here to stay. ?What we need to ?do is embrace ?Artificial ?Intelligence, and ?we need to enjoy ?the journey! ? But how do we? enjoy it? This ?book will help us? do that by ?explaining the ?definition of AI, ?the potentials and? the risks of AI,? how to work on ?AI, how to ?utilize AI, and ?how to increase ?AI literacy ?through education!