The current project, called PIC16F1847 Microcontroller-Based Programmable Logic Controller,
is based on the improved version of the project reported in the above-mentioned
The current project is presented for students attending the related departments of
engineering or technology faculties, for practicing engineers, and for hobbyists
who want to learn how to design and use a microcontroller-based PLC. The book
assumes the reader has taken courses on digital logic design, microcontrollers,
and PLCs. In addition, the reader is expected to be familiar with the PIC16F
series of microcontrollers and to have been exposed to writing programs using
PIC assembly language within the MPLAB integrated development environment.
The contents of this book may be used to construct two different courses. The first
one may involve teaching the use of the PLC technology as described in this book.
This course may well fit in the related departments of both engineering and technology faculties. The second one may involve teaching how to design the PLC technology. This second course may be taught in electrical and electronics engineering and computer engineering departments.