The list of contributors for this book is pretty impressive. Each one has
double-digit years of experience working with the biggest companies in
the game industry. At the same time, there’s a good variety—plenty of
experience on small indie gigs, experimental projects, and in academia.
Their bios are included in this book, and they’re pretty good reading as
well—more than one sly joke, I promise.
But none of them claims we have nothing more to learn. There are still
many mysteries, challenges we have yet to tackle, and problems we don’t
quite know how to solve yet, but we’re starting to narrow down the field of
what those challenges are.
Other books—whether they focus on the general craft of writing or specifically writing for games—cover more theoretical or general advice, and there are some really good ones out there. This book aims at providing
very practical techniques used in game writing from the trenches where
it’s happening every day. Less theory here, more practice.