This report provides comparisons of the effectiveness of marketing tactics, surveys of marketers and end users, and analyses of trends in the B2B marketplace. Topics include analytics, B2B media advertising, B2B e-commerce, behavioral marketing, business directories and databases, content marketing, creating customer awareness, customer relationship management, direct marketing, distribution channels, email marketing, engagement, event marketing, integrated marketing communications, lead generation, lead management, lead nurturing, marketing automation, mobile marketing, networking, online video, organic and paid search, sales staff, social media marketing, sponsorships, sports marketing, software tools, trade show marketing, website traffic, and more. Over 1,200 website links - directly embedded into the electronic edition – will direct you to additional market research and other resources.
B2B marketers will gain insight from the broad scope of information in Business-to-Business Marketing 2020-2021. For academic libraries, Business-to-Business Marketing 2020-2021 is an essential reference that supports business management and marketing curricula.