This short book does not aim to solve all the problems of the world at
once, where different doctrines – liberal, political, religious, environmental –
simultaneously confront each other, but always with more or less significant
support from technology, even science, which prolongs, conditions and
amplifies the appearance of our activity and our culture. Probably like
Aesop’s language, technology is perhaps the worst and/or the best thing and
it is up to the reader to try to position themself in relation to this uncertain
world that implies a recent technology relative to others, that of digital
technology, which is opening up more and more to us. To provide elements
for reflection, certainly biased by one’s own culture, we need to accept that a
personal point of view enters (and serves) a broader debate in order to finally
rely on (or reject) Frankel’s (1955) quote, which is: “Responsibility is the
product of defined social arrangements” (author’s translation). For the
author, the social body must be enlightened to participate in collective
decisions appropriate to an increasingly rapid change, which is beyond the
scope of this small reflection, which nevertheless attempts to provide some
preliminary insights.
In this book, many concepts/principles will emerge, especially at the
beginning, but others will appear in the text. One of the author’s activities in
writing this document was to try to define them in a synoptic manner to take
them further (framed in grey). They summarize a number of basic
explanations that may be useful to the uninformed reader.