“The Human Factor in Project Management” written by Denise Thompson is one of the kinds in the domain of human behavior and performance, particularly in project management. What are the true qualities of a leader? what are the appropriate behaviors for a leader? Why does a leader need to adapt to change and influence others? Every chapter within the book explores those questions in depth. The second chapter explores different situations which highlight real conflicts, misunderstanding and issues encountered while managing projects. As well stated, it is important to avoid the “hazards of the profession” which is key to gain real value of communication and successful stakeholder’s management and triple constraints.
Considering that human factor in project management can be viewed as the possibility to influence projects’ outcomes, it is detrimental that those outcomes be positive otherwise one may risk projects’ failure. Denise Thompson’s book meets these criteria as it provides readers with a global perspective. The biggest strength of the book is embedded in the practical examples and opportunities given to the readers to reflect on various scenarios.