The 19th International Symposium for Production Research 2019 (ISPR2019)
was held at TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology) Mechanical and
Industrial Engineering Faculty, Vienna, Austria, from 28 to 30 August 2019, with
the theme of “Cases of Industry 4.0 Applications”. This symposium was organized
in Vienna, for the third year in a row, by TU Wien and Society for Production
Research, ?stanbul, Turkey.
The generic theme of “Industry 4.0” was ?rst adopted in the symposium held in
2016 and maintained in the following three symposia in 2017, 2018 and 2019 but
each with an emphasis on the relevant developments and progress on the various
aspects of this “fourth industrial revolution”. In other words, the symposium
maintained the same main theme from 2016 but studied a different aspect of it in the
subsequent years with the purpose of drawing the attention of the researchers to the
cases of Industry 4.0 applications of this new industrial era on the production
systems and production management.
The world of science and technology is under increasing in?uence of the
requirements of Industry 4.0. Transition to a new era seems inevitable for every
sector of industry. Given the importance of this theme, ISPR2019 hosted numerous
distinguished speakers from both the academia and the industry to hear their views
on the applications of the Industry 4.0 on the various components of production