The Fourth International Conference on “Computational Intelligence in Data
Mining (ICCIDM 2017)” is organized by Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla, Sambalpur, Odisha, India, during 11–12 November 2017. ICCIDM is an international forum for representation of research and developments in the fields of data mining and computational intelligence. More than 250
prospective authors submitted their research papers to the conference. After a
thorough double-blind peer review process, editors have selected 78 papers. The
proceedings of ICCIDM is a mix of papers from some latest findings and research
of the authors. It is being a great honour for us to edit the proceedings. We have
enjoyed considerably working in cooperation with the international advisory,
programme and technical committee to call for papers, review papers and finalize
papers to be included in the proceedings.
This international conference on CIDM aims at encompassing new breed of
engineers, technologists making it a crest of global success. All the papers are
focused on the thematic presentation areas of the conference, and they have provided ample opportunity for presentation in different sessions. Research in data