Risk and uncertainty affect all human activities, bear on all decisions and
shape our everyday experience. In the managerial ield, the attention
devoted to risks of all types and to risk management has been increasing
steadily ever since the seventies due to the heightened volatility of the
macroeconomic and inancial environment, the enhanced speed of transactions
and the deep systemic interconnectedness
of national economies. Both practitioners and academic researchers devote signiicant time and effort
on improving their knowledge, skills and understanding of risk evaluation and management.
Following the wave of this strenuous effort, in these two volumes
we collected a selection of research papers presented during the Second
International Conference on Risk Management organized at the
University of Torino on the 25–26 October 2018. The ambition of the
event was to bring together many different perspectives on risk management,
without conining the scope to a particular
sector, activity or issue. The result of this opening was brilliant. Plenty of contributions were selected by the Conference organizers and rich discussions developed in
numerous parallel sessions. The best papers—chosen on the basis of
a blind peer-review process—were
invited to take part in this publication
which is subdivided into two volumes.