This proceeding book about the Advanced Control Engineering Methods in
Electrical Engineering Systems conference contains accepted papers presenting the
most interesting state of the art on this ?eld of research.
Presented topics are focused on classical as well as modern methods for modeling,
control, identi?cation, and simulation of complex systems with applications
in science and engineering. Topics are (but not limited to): control and systems
engineering, renewable energy, faults diagnosis-faults tolerant control, large-scale
systems, fractional-order systems, unconventional algorithms in control engineering,
signal and communications… and much more.
The control of complex systems dynamics, analysis, and modeling of its
behavior and structure is a vitally important problem in engineering, economy, and
generally in science today. Examples of such systems can be seen in the world
around us and are a part of our everyday life. Application of modern methods for
control, electronics, signal processing, and more can be found in our mobile
phones, car engines, home devices as for example washing machine is as well as in
such advanced devices as space probes and communication with them.