This book was written for three semester-long classes: Soil and Water Resources Engineering,
Irrigation Systems Design, and Agricultural Drainage and Effluent Treatment. Almost all the
chapters are accompanied with Excel/VBA programs that enable students to understand as
well as apply the principles as practicing engineers. Homework problems focus on both the
Excel/VBA programs and manual calculations.
The first section presents the fundamental principles of irrigation and drainage engineering:
economics, soils, evapotranspiration, lateral design, mainline design, pumps, groundwater and
wells, and open channel flow. We started with economics because that is basis for analysis of
any agricultural enterprise. Soils and evapotranspiration are the fundamental design variables
in irrigation system design. The four fundamental components of irrigation systems are
covered in the last five chapters.
The second section describes the design process for the following irrigation systems:
center pivot, turf sprinkler, wheel-line sprinkler, orchard sprinkler, landscape drip and
bubbler, agricultural subsurface drip, surface, greenhouse hydroponic, and low-head gravity
bubbler. The Excel/VBA programs associated with this section enable students to optimize
systems with respect to crop growth, water savings, energy use economics, and environmental
impact. The programs help students bridge the gap between basic principles and
complex designs.
The last part of this book focuses on the use of wetlands and agriculture for waste treatment,
subsurface drainage, and the WINDS model (Water-use, Irrigation, Nitrogen, Drainage, and
Salinity). The theoretical development in these chapters is focused on the algorithms in the
WINDS model, which models evapotranspiration and simulates salinity, nitrogen, and water
transport in soil layers. Water and solutes are routed with the tipping bucket approach after
large storms and the Richards equation (energy differences) between in?ltration events. The
nitrogen model simulates fertilization, mineralization, denitri?cation, and plant uptake. The
drainage algorithm uses the Kirkham streamtube approach as well as the interaction between
the water table and the vadose zone. Traditional drainage algorithms used by the USBR and
DRAINMOD are also presented with an emphasis on the economic evaluation of alternative
drainage systems designs.