Some of the key aspects of this book are:
1. It assumes knowledge of Python 3 and of concepts such as functions, classes,
protocols, Abstract Base Classes, decorators, iterables, collection types (such as
List and Tuple) etc.
2. However, the book assumes very little knowledge or experience of the topics
3. The book is divided into eight topic areas; Computer graphics, Games, Testing,
File Input/Output, Database Access, Logging, Concurrency and Parallelism and
Network Programming.
4. Each topic in the book has an introductory chapter followed by chapters that
delve into that topic.
5. The book includes exercises at the end of most chapters.
6. All code examples (and exercise solutions) are provided on line in a GitHub
Chapter Organisation
Each chapter has a brief introduction, the main body of the chapter, followed by a
list of online references that can be used for further reading.
Following this there is typically an Exercises section that lists one or more
exercises that build on the skills you will have learnt in that chapter.
Sample solutions to the exercises are available in a GitHub repository that
supports this book.