This study aims to analyze the features of advertising consisting of interactivity and perceived relevance in social media to purchase intention through performance expectancy in the city of Bandung (Starbuck). The method used in this study uses a survey method with associative techniques to analyze the influence between variables, as a tool for analyzing samples used from the people of Bandung who are interested in starbuck products. The results showed that communication (interactivity) partially had an effect on the expected performance, the relevance received partially affected the performance expected by consumers of Starbuck products. Simultaneously communication (interactivity) and the perceived relevance
affect the expected performance. Furthermore, partially communication (interactivity) has an effect on purchase intention, the expected performance of consumers does not affect purchase intention and the relevance received does not affect purchase intention. Simultaneously communication
(interactivity), the relevance received and the expected performance affect the purchase intention
For the empirical findings of this study, that communication (interactivity) that is built has the greatest
influence compared to other variables. This shows that communication (interactivity) is a determining factor in increasing consumer purchase intention, while other variables still need to be studied more deeply considering the effect is not significant.
Keywords—interactivity, perceived relevance, performance
expectancy, purchase intention