A large number of tertiary institutions in Indonesia has made the conditions of competition tight for universities, especially private universities. The improvement of facilities and the quality of services provided are parameters in seeing the performance of an organization. This study aims to describe and
look at the dominant factors in shaping the quality of health services provided by Telkom university to students through the variables tangible, empathy, responsiveness, and assurance. This
type of research is a quantitative description. The analysis technique used in describing the quality of clinical services is by descriptive analysis that is described through the continuum line, while to see the factors of the most dominant quality of service is to use confirmatory factor analysis. The number of respondents taken in this study were 110 respondents and were students at Telkom University. The results of this study indicate that the quality of clinical services is 67%, meaning that the quality of
clinical services based on student perceptions is still considered good. For the strongest variable indicators to form latent variables, service quality is reliability, this is because the
elements of reliability are in direct contact with the respondent and this is very easy to assess, the assessment of medicalpersonnel skills.
Keywords—service quality; Telkom University; analysis factors