Website is one of the media campaigns that play an important role in the business world. Many large and small
businesses have been using the website as a promotional media in marketing their products or service. The rise of online sales have an impact on the growing importance of the company's website as one of the factors of competitive advantage. Website created with an attractive appearance and easy to use, so it will create
brand awareness in the minds of consumers, and if consumers have been aware of the site, so it will create a trust on consumers to buy goods in online shop. Consumer trust will have an impact on customer loyalty, so that the customer is likely to make repeat purchases. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Website Quality, Brand Awareness on Trust and its Impact on Consumer Loyalty in Online Shop in Bandung. Type of research is descriptive and verifiable research. The data collection techniques used are observation, questionnaire and literature study. The sampling technique used in this study is a non- probability sampling technique. Data analysis techniques used in the study is Partial Least Squares (PLS), which is one type of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) by using software SmartPLS 3.0. The results of this study are the contributions of Website Quality (X1) and Brand Awareness (X2) directly affect on Consumer Trust (Y) simultaneously by 50.6%. The remaining 49.4% is influenced by other factors which cannot be explained in the study. Meanwhile, the contributions of Website Quality (X1), Brand Awareness (X2) and Consumer Trust (Y) that directly effects on Customer Loyalty (Z) simultaneously is 83.1%. The remaining 16.9% influenced by other factors which are not included in this research model. Keywords : Website Quality, Brand Awareness, Consumer Trust, Consumer Loyalty, Partial Least Square