Cigondewah is known as the area of the fabric industry in Bandung region and has a relatively large scale of trade, in the process of making and trading problems are often found, among others, Availability of Raw Materials, Human Resources, and Product Marketing. This problem can be solved by analyzing the Supply Chain Management Practice (SCMP) in the Cigondewah Industrial Center. Previous research states that the higher the application and improvement in SCMP will directly lead to an increase in supply chain performance and overall company performance (SCPM). The purpose of this study was to find out how the influence of the application of supply chain management practices (SCMP) on the measurement of supply chain management performance (SCPM). This study uses five dimensions in SCMP, namely lean retail strategies, information sharing, information quality, strategic supplier partnerships, and customer relation practices, and eight SCMP factors, namely supply chain flexibility, supply chain integration, responsiveness to customers, efficiency, quality, product innovation, market performance, partnership quality.
Based on the method, this study uses a Quantitative Method, systematic investigation of phenomena by gathering quantifiable data and performing statistical, mathematical or computational techniques. Quantitative research gathers information from existing and potential customers using sampling methods he results of which can be depicted in the form of numericals. After careful understanding of these numbers to predict the future of a product or service and make changes accordingly. The analysis technique for processing data in research is by using the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The purpose of the study is conclusive, and the type of research is causal. The study was conducted by not intervening, and the unit of analysis was carried out individually.
The results of the study show that the process of procurement of goods, buying and selling transactions, and product distribution to consumers are referred to as supply chain management. SCMP is the most dominant in the Cigondewah Fabric industry center, namely Information Sharing (SCMPIS) and Strategic Supplier Partnership (SCMSSP), while the lowest Impact is Information Quality (SCMPIQ). SCPM in the Cigondewah Fabric industry center, which has the strongest effect is Efficiency (PERTME) and Partnership Quality (PERRMPQ), while the lowest indicator is Product Innovation (PERTMPI).