Deconstructing Management Maxims, Volume II A Critical Examination of Conventional Business Wisdom

Kevin Wayne

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27 kali
Buku - Elektronik (E-Book)
Tel-U Gedung Manterawu Lantai 5 : Rak 16 A
Tel-U Gedung Manterawu Lantai 5 : Rak 17 A
Tel-U Purwokerto : Rak 8

A contrarian challenge to the status quo, this book vigorously champions healthy skepticism in management theory and practice. Several common management maxims — often taken for granted as truisms — are examined and debunked with evidence-based arguments. The constant repetition of these flawed tropes perpetuates their mythological status and limits personal and organizational performance. Eleven management maxims are rebuked using empirical data, original scholarship, literature reviews, field observations, and thoughtful opinions from numerous experts. Examined in depth, the flawed maxims in Volume One include: Customer is King; People are Our Most Important Asset; Diversity Improves Performance; Competitive Advantage is Necessary to Compete; and A Business Plan is Required for Entrepreneurial Success. The maxims debunked in Volume Two include: Mission Statement is a Must; Learn a Second Language (other than English); Introverts Cannot Lead Effectively; Worrying is Counterproductive; Failure is Not an Option; and Consensus Decision Making is Optimal. Far from a business as usual business book, Deconstructing Management Maxims has been researched with academic rigor yet written in an approachable style. Unafraid of taking on conventional business wisdom, it contains some controversial yet substantiated positions that will provoke critical thinking and debate. After all, sacred cows and long-believed tenets of management lore do not go away quietly. A clear message from this book is that you don’t have to believe everything you read or hear— be it in the classroom or at work! It offers a refreshing break from the constant drumbeat of dronish corporate and academic clichés. This book is best appreciated by readers wanting to think critically about important management phenomena. Keywords business plan, competitive advantage, consensus decision making, contrarian, customer satisfaction, diversity, English language, failure, human resources, introvert, leadership, management, mission statement




Deconstructing Management Maxims, Volume II A Critical Examination of Conventional Business Wisdom
131p.: il.; 1,6MB


Rp. 0
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Kevin Wayne


Business Expert Press
New York




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