Entrepreneurial Selling addresses the unique challenges faced by entrepreneurs in search of buy-ins for novel ideas, products, or services. In addition to describing typical hurdles, it offers strategies to win over
customers, employees, financiers, suppliers, board members, and other collaborators. While most books on entrepreneurship focus on the profile of entrepreneurs and startup capital, Entrepreneurial Selling sheds light on how entrepreneurs can excel at selling to obtain resources of all kinds. The success of a novel idea hinges on identifying, reaching, engaging, and convincing different stakeholders of its merits. Basically, entrepreneurship is not possible without the ability to sell. Based on multiyear field studies and many consulting projects with entrepreneurs in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, and North America, the insight contained herein should give entrepreneurs a “leg up” by helping them to prevent costly mistakes and increase the odds of realizing their dreams. Ultimately, the goal is to move beyond wishful thinking and into a strong business foundation by facilitating early reality checks that will inform productive usage of entrepreneurs’ limited resources.
buy-ins, convince, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, resources, selling, stakeholders