The purpose of this study was conducted is to find out how the marketing communication
strategy on Instagram @ HijabstoryIndonesia in reaching the market share of Millennials
Muslim. This research uses qualitative method with qualitative descriptive research type and
with post-positivism paradigm. There are four informants in this study which is divided into
three types namely one main informant as manager of Hijabstory, two informants supporting
the generation of Millennials Muslims who are consumers and followers Instagram @
HijabstoryIndonesia, and one expert informant who understand about marketing
communication strategy and generation of Millennials muslim. Based on the results of this
study, obtained marketing communication strategy on Instagram @ HijabstoryIndonesia
is about the message. Messages delivered include product information, stores, and promos.
Promo information is preferred for generations of Millennials Muslims have purchasing
power. In addition, the message delivered is packed with flexible feeds, design, color and
Language to match the millennials of Muslim generation. Display feeds, designs, products
favored by the current generation of Millennials Muslims are pastels. Interactivity built
with Millennials generation is horizontal, friendly and responsive. The conclusion of this
research is to reach market share of Muslim Millennials Instagram @HijabstoryIndonesia
using message strategy. The messaging strategy in using Instagram as the medium is a
message packaged with feeds, design, colors and Languages that can attract the generation of
Millennials Muslim.
Kata Kunci : : Strategi komunikasi pemasaran, Instagram, Dwi Sapta IMC Model,
Discovery circle, Intent circle, Strategy circle, Generasi Millennials muslim