This edition introduce a new theme that runs throughout all 12 chapter: environmental sustainability. This new theme complements the existing global issues theme carried forward from past editions. Environmental sustainability has become a strategic issues and one that will become even more important in the year ahead, as all of you struggle to deal with the consequence of climate change, global warming, and energy availability.
Feature new in this edition:
• Each chapter contains a boxed insert dealing with an issues in environmental sustainability.
• Each chapter and with Eco Bits, interesting tidbits of ecological information, such as the number of plastic bags added to landfills each year.
• Each part end with a short case dealing with topic and issues from that part’s chapter on companies ranging from Chiquita Bananas to Boeing and Airbus.
• Special section on sustainability have been added to chapter 1 and 3.
• A section on the natural environment has been added to the societal and task environments in chapter 4.
• A section on managing strategic alliances has been added to chapter 7.
• Off shoring has been added to the outsourcing section in chapter 8.