The process in arts study especially in drama study these days is still using theories and concepts from Western. As a consequence, our education becomes liyan (strange) in our own country. Western theories and concepts can be suitable or not if applied in developing countries, include Indonesia. It is suitable if it applied in schools or art universities because they have enough facilities such as theater, rehearsal place, sound system, lighting, etc. How about schools or non-art universities which do not have such facilities? On average, they only have a hall which basically used for all purpose. Based on experiences as an actor, a director, and a lecturer who teaches drama course, the writer makes Bermuda (bermula dari yang ada/ starting from what exist) concept to cope with that lack of facilities. Bermuda is a model of drama study process in art performance dimension based on our local culture traditional wisdom. The basic of Bermuda is bumi dipijak langit dijunjung. The feet stand on earth, while the head carries up the sky. The feet stand on earth means that up until now, we are raised by our Indonesian culture and tradition. While our brain taught in modern way since in the kindergarten until now through schools, books, and mass media. Traditional and modern world has become one and melted in our body. Starting from what exist, which is tradition, then this tradition is processed by took the values from the local wisdom and then mixed them up with modern mindset then it become Bermuda concept.
Bermuda is a basic step philosophy of our software and hardware in working, especially on art. Software here means human resource. People use their abilities and skills as their resource. Hardware means things such as properties (include cost), theater, etc., which people have. The meaning of Bermuda; bermula dari yang ada (starting from what exist) is that all activities and creative actions must rely on what exist and what we have. Bermuda optimizes anything we have. The optimum result, of course, does not sacrifice our idealism, instead we achieve our idealism from aesthetics levels, discourse, or ideology. Bermuda tries not to be liyan (strange) in our own country.