The digital era has begun with marked rapid development of information technology. So when the increasingly widespread digital world appears the term "everybody is a news maker". In this case a person is able to cover his own activities through social media. It is also influential in the process of personal branding in the world of education. Where the role of lecturers are published by many media is now an opportunity to perform personal branding. The concept of college tridharma which includes education, teaching and community service is a mandatory activity for a lecturer. In the world of education itself is known as flying lecturers or extraordinary lecturers who have hours of teaching in various universities. Tridharma high spending alone is a big task in developing the science either academically or practically with different teaching methods that are nicely packaged by personal personality. The purpose of this study is to find out and explore more deeply about the profession of lecturers, especially lecturers fly through digital media in performing daily activities as an effort to increase the existence of himself and the function of community service.