Underpicing is the output from the uncertainty of stock price at initial markel as the result at asymmetry informatian owned by stakeholder in initial offer such as emiten, underwiter, and owner of capital.
Purpose of this research is to know how underwriter reputation, auditor reputation, firm size, financial levenge, age of corporation have influence partially with underpricing and how underwriter reputation, auditor reputation, firm size, financial leverage, age of corporation is that any influence simultanlly to corporation that issued IPO at period 201-2012.
This research included in descriptive verivicative of causality population of this research is all corporation that have listed at lndonesian Stock Exchange in 2011 until 2012 and amunt of sample are 31 corporation that choshed by purposive sampling. Kind of data that gathered by researcher in this research is secondary data. Analithycal method that used in this research is regression analisis
Resutf of this research is showing how independent variable which are underwriter reputation, auditor reputation, firm size, financial leverage, age of corporation simultanlly have correlation with underpricing. Meanwhile partially there are no variable that have correlation with underpricing. Result of analysis regression showed that R2 = 37,5% means all variable independen describe all variable dependent 37.5%
Keywords: Underpricing, underwriter reputation, the reputation of the auditor, firm size, financial leverage, and firm age.