Analyzing 4G Adoption in Indonesia Using a Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (Case Study: 4 Biggest Service Providers)


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Karya Ilmiah - Skripsi (S1) - Reference

It is believed that by switching from 3G to 4G will increase 1.5 % of GDP for every 10% switches in Indonesia. But, there is still a gap between targeted 4G customers with achieved 4G customers of from each providers. Means by making a switch from 3G to 4G services, it will not only give a positive effect on national economic, but also will help service providers to achieve their profitability. The aim of this research is to test factors inside UTAUT 2 model that influence the consumer on using 4G services in Indonesia and also to test age and gender affecting the influence inside UTAUT 2 model in the context of 4G services in Indonesia. This research used data from 500 respondents who lived in Indonesia and use 4G services from Telkomsel, Indosat Ooredoo, XL or Tri. Using questionnaire as main data gathering tool, the 32 survey items and 10 constructs in this research are fulfill the convergent and discriminant validity and also have a good reliability. To test the hypotheses, this research use Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS 2.0 as statistic software. The result shown that, factors that influencing the Behavioral Intention on the adoption of 4G services in Indonesia are Habit, Content, Hedonic Motivation, Performance Expectancy and Social Influence. While factors that influencing the behavior on used 4G services are Habit, Facilitating Condition and Behavioral Intention. The influence of Habit, Content, Hedonic Motivation, Performance Expectancy and Social Influence on Behavioral Intention is 62%, while the influence of Habit, Facilitating Condition and Behavioral Intention on Use Behavior is 48%. In term of moderating factors, Age only moderating the influence of Performance Expectancy and Content on Behavioral Intention and Facilitating Condition on Use Behavior. While Gender is not moderating any influence both on Behavioral Intention and Use Behavior. This research has found that the most significant factor from UTAUT 2 model that influence the Behavioral Intention on using 4G services is Habit. It means that every service providers, need to create their customer habitual to use 4G services on their daily life. The second factor that significantly influence the behavioral intention is Content. It means all the service providers that offer a 4G services, need to consider about the content that they delivered is meet the customers demand. For academic aspect, in UTAUT 2 model, there is Experience moderating variable which is not included on this research. Future research about the adoption of 4G services are expected to be able to including Experience moderating variable. Keywords: Behavioral Intention, Use Behavior, 4G Services, UTAUT 2




Analyzing 4G Adoption in Indonesia Using a Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (Case Study: 4 Biggest Service Providers)


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Universitas Telkom




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