Partnership program and community development (PKBL) is a community service undertaken by state-owned companies and one of the state-owned company is Perum Peruri. Partnership program is an effort undertaken by PKBL Perum Peruri to help small and medium enterprises (UKM) belong to the community so that small businesses tersebuh more developed with the partnership program from PKBL Perum Peruri. PKBL Perum Peruri annually has determined which provinces will be held the selection of small and medium enterprises (UKM). However, many constraints occur during the partnership process. Because in processing data and information needed by PKBL can not be done quickly from start recording of proposal entry, administration proposal, evaluation, survey until establishment of partners. So that required application that can handle the constraints that occur in the unit PKBL, in the management of partnership program. Seeing the problem then came the idea to build "Application Program Partnership and Community Development (PKBL) Web-Based SOE Partnership Program Case study: Peruri". The method used to build this application is waterfall method. The selection of waterfall method is because the stages of workmanship is clear and structured so that it is easy to be understood in this application workmanship. With this method also the application can be well documented. The language used is PHP with the codeIgneigniter framework, and the editor used is Sublime Text and Notped ++. The database used is MySQL. Users of the app are all employees of Perum Peruri PKBL and UKM. Head of PKBL will assign evaluators and surveyors to evaluate proposals and evaluate the survey up to the establishment of the Guidance and the amount of assistance to be handled by the application of partnership program and web-based binary kungan BUMN program module partnership case study: Perum Peruri.
Keywords: Proposal administration service, proposal assessment, Proposal submission and receipt printing, survey reporting and establishment of partners, Application.