One of the industrial centers located in Bandung City is the Industrial Center of Knitting in Binong Jati (ICKBJ). In ICKBJ, there is an interaction between parties or actors involved in ICKBJ where mutual and mutually beneficial relationships are called business ecosystems. A workable approach to knowing the roles and interactions of people and organizations involved in tangible and intangible exchanges to achieve economic or social goodness is called Value Network Analysis. This study identified 7 actors involved in the ICKBJ ecosystem and described the interaction of each role in the form of tangible and intangible exchange. The results of this study can be seen that there are weaknesses of some actors who play a role in ICKBJ, this resulted in a decrease in the number of knit entrepreneurs in ICKBJ and decreased consumer buying interest in ICKBJ knitting products. The need for evaluation and strategy planning for the future, this can be done by gathering all parties in the ICKBJ ecosystem and conduct further studies to make ICKBJ ecosystem a healthy ecosystem. For further research is expected to provide solutions for the development of ICKBJ ecosystem, and solutions for each actor in performing its role well.