The Role of Fashion Industry in Bandung Creative Industry Subsector (BANDUNG CREATIVE MOVEMENT 2015 2nd International Conference on Creative Industries “Strive to Improve Creativity“)

Rika Nugraha

Informasi Dasar

59 kali
Proceeding ( Electronic )
Tel-U Gedung Manterawu Lantai 5 : Rak 23
Tel-U Purwokerto : Rak 8

This research knows one of Indonesia's Creative Industry sub-sectors, that is the fashion industry. The rapid development of the fashion industry in the city besides Factory Outlet , Store Distributor ( Distro ) , Pasar Seni ITB , Helar Fest , Trademark Market , and most recently the Little Bandung . Several efforts made by the Government of Bandung in the development of the Creative Industries are: Facilitate meetings with the creative community, such as Bandung Creative City Forum (BCCF), Artepolis, Common Ro om, and other relevant stakeholders.The purposes of this research are: First, why is the fashion in the city as one of Indonesia's creative industries subsector? Second, why Bandung is very conducive to the development of the fashion industry? Third, what are the main strengths of creative industries Bandung thus experiencing rapid growth? The method used in this research is qualitative method with a direct approach to the object carried out to analyze the development of the fashion industry in the city, observation, interview, and literature study. The results of this research are Bandung as tolerant city of new ideas and appreciate the freedom of the individual into the main capital in the development of creative industries Bandung, Bandung is very potential place to synergize and collaborate colleges, businesses, communities, governments, and the media in order to create a culture of creative economy. The main strengths of the creative industries Bandung are the design, the diversity of raw materials, brand specificity and uniqueness of the fashion product itself. Pioneer of creative industry in Indonesia is Bandung, with the establishment of Bandung Creative City Forum (BCCF) which is the first step for Bandung to plug into a creative city.

Keywords: Industries, Fashion, Creativity.




The Role of Fashion Industry in Bandung Creative Industry Subsector (BANDUNG CREATIVE MOVEMENT 2015 2nd International Conference on Creative Industries “Strive to Improve Creativity“)
12p.; 809KB


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Rika Nugraha


Fakultas Industri Kreatif




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